We are the Claiborn family of Filer, Idaho. My name is Kent Claiborn. My wife Janan and I make our living in the agricultural industry. As far as our off-farm jobs go, Janan is in fertilizer and chemical sales and I own and operate a small custom fertilizer application and trucking business. When those jobs are done, we, along with our two sons, Keegan (11) and Karson (8) own and operate an 80 acre row crop farm and rent another 40 acre row crop farm raising wheat, alfalfa hay, silage corn and dry pinto beans. In the Spring of 2016, we partnered with my uncle Scott and his wife Debbie to raise registered Miniature Hereford cattle. We started with 2 bred heifers and 2 open heifers that spring. In the Spring of 2019, we made the decision to diversify a little bit and purchased 4 American Aberdeen (formerly referred to as Lowline Angus) cows. While we intend to continue to focus on registered Miniature Herefords, It is our plan to eventually breed the black cows to our Miniature Hereford bulls to produce small framed F1 cross beef calves as well. As I gaze out the kitchen window today, I see about 20 head of small framed cattle out there calling this place home. It has been a fantastic experience for all of us and has been especially rewarding to watch the kids learn the responsibilities and life lessons associated with raising these fantastic animals.